New children in our orphanage….Praising God tonight!

2010 September 15
by Cindy House

Tonight we are celebrating a wonderful day that brought two new children to our orphanage.  After several weeks of looking for orphans and working out all of the details involved in the process of enrolling a child in an orphanage, we joyfully went to two villages today to pick up Mphatso, a five year old girl and Elford, a four year old boy.   Our hearts just swelled with love and victory as we received each one of them in our vehicle and took them to Esther’s House.  Mphatso lived with her grandmother and is in Standard one in school which is equivelant to kindergarden in America.  Her family was struggling to feed her and clothe her and said we are a blessing from the Lord.  They thanked us for bringing such a wonderful ministry to their area and helping their village. 

Mphatso Samera from the village of Khuzi

As she sat on her grandmother’s lap, I was praying for her asking God to help her feel comforted as she adjusted to her new surroundings and the house parents who will be caring for her.  There are so many emotions at work in the process as a family gives their child up to live in an orphanage for the good of the child.  We trust God to be the comfort they all need for these days ahead as life changes for all of them.  By the time I was leaving Esther’s House for the evening Mphatso was exploring her new surroundings and as I called out her name and waved goodbye she waved good bye back and I felt she was already making progress. 

The other child is Elford Mark from the village of Majuwa and he is a darling little four year old with the sweetest voice and a  contagious laugh.  He is severely malnourished and we were so saddened by his poor condition.  Please pray for him to improve as he is given 3 nutritious meals per day and gets a good nights rest in a warm soft bed each night.  His living conditions were about a hard as I have seen in this country.  He lived with his grandmother and great-grandmother and his older sister in a very small hut and they were all very thin.  His mother was killed by lightening strike when he was 2 years old while she was carrying him and walking alongside of his sister.  It is amazing that he was unharmed.

Elford Mark from the village of Majuwa

Tonight he has had a nice warm bath and been fed a meal that was more than he has had in one sitting in his life. I was informed he ate more than anyone else including the adults.  He is now soundly sleeping in his new bed under his new blanket on a soft mattress instead of the bamboo mat on the dirt floor.  Doesn’t that make your heart fill with joy?  There are many tasks involved in the work that I do here but this is by far the most wonderful part.  God has allowed us to make a difference in these two lives tonight and I pray that there are grandparents resting a little easier tonight knowing that their beloved grandchild is being fed well and given a safe, warm place to sleep and the future is much brighter for them now.  They will get an education, the healthcare that they need, clothes to wear, food to eat and loving people to share their life with. 

Here is a picture of both children with two of our house parents, Bruce and Getrude Chilijembumba.

Bruce and Getrude with Elford and Mphatso


Getrude with Mphatso


These two will both be added to our website for sponsorship.  If you want to sponsor a child just go to that website and select sponsor a child, choose the one you want to sponsor and follow the prompts.  We still have several non-residential orphans in our program needing sponsors, too. 

Please pray for Esther’s House Ministries, the staff, the children, the widows and the impact we are having on this community for the Glory of God as we fulfill the scriptures in caring for the orphans and widows.  To God be all the glory for the great things He has done.

2 Responses leave one →
  1. May Wheeler permalink
    September 15, 2010

    Cindy, what great news! God is so good. I am so thankful these two beautiful children are at Esther’s House. Keep up the good work! Luv you! Praying for you!

  2. Mary McCully permalink
    September 17, 2010

    They are precious in His sight, and ours! Bill and I are praying about our commitment to one of the children at Esther’s House. We are retired but would love to be involved in such a precious life. You are in my “Miracle Book” of prayers. Will be praying for you along with all at Esther’s House. My dream is to some day be there!

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